Late Work Deadline

No late work will be accepted after Sunday, May 16th.

E-mail me your name and a link to the late work. (If necessary, provide a link to the individual comments.)

Remember: late work is only worth partial credit (usually half).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Last Words

It's just about over.

Your final assignment is to complete this online reflection.

Due Sunday, 5/23

Film Analysis

We spent two days watching and discussing The Fantastic Mr. Fox. You analyzed that film using the hero's journey. You looked at the twelve stages and the seven archetypes.

Now I want you to do the same thing for another film. You choose this one. You decide how this looks on your blog. Your classmates will be reading it and commenting on it, so make it accessible.

We'll be in the writing lab Friday, May 12th. My advice is to watch a movie between now and then and take notes with the hero's journey in mind. It's a lot easier (and more effective) than trying to piece together what you remember.

Due Sunday, May 16th

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Journey

We are studying The Hero's Journey.

Remember Spiderman and Sunshine and Beverly Hills and Rob and Gingy and the reward and the dance and the puppeteer's sweating and the violence and the return with the elixir? (Okay, maybe that wasn't the best example.)

Your last assignment was to create a hero. Now I want you to create an ordinary world for that hero.
Imagine a call to adventure that would force that hero into a special world.

I want you to bring this story to life. You will identify four things (hero, ordinary world, call to adventure, special world) but I want you to include them all in one story. Read my Godfather blog for an example.

*We will not be going to the writing lab this week, so this is homework.

DUE Sunday, May 9th

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Imagine the main character in a story you haven't written yet. It's important to know your character's back story in hopes of making the character real. Come up with a list (20-30 things) that will help you get to know your character better. You can use the questions below or come up with your own.

Style of dress:
Marital status/family:
Most embarrassing moment:
Greatest fear:
Strongest desire:
Where he/she wants to be in 5 years:
Guiltiest pleasure:
Identifying marks:
What he/she was like in school:
Favorite sayings:
Favorite quotes from songs:
Favorite movie quotes:
Most valuable possession:
How he/she feels about love:
Philosophy on life:

Due Sunday, 5/2

Friday, April 16, 2010

Open Mic

Write something.

Perform it in front of the class. (Or have someone else perform it.)

10 points.

Thursday, 4/22

Friday, April 9, 2010

Feedback (5 comments)

You've taken a song and adapted it into a 500-word story. So did your classmates. Now I want you to read what your fellow writers came up with. We'll spend Wednesday (4/14) in the writing lab. I want you to post at least five (5) comments.

I want this to be meaningful feedback. Here's the format:
  • What I noticed (what you were trying to do)
  • Something I liked (what worked)
  • A suggestion (what didn't work)
You won't get points for comments like this:
"That was really good. I liked it. Good job."

Due Sunday, 4/18

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Writing Lab (Thursday)

Today is Thursday. I'm not here today. That would explain the substitute who doesn't look anything like me. You guys will be in the writing lab today.

1. Please post your comments on other writers' blogs (Blurbs). For the Blurbs comments, try to find people who used your song for a blurb. Did you like it? Do you agree? Did they get a different meaning out of the song than you did?

2. Begin your adaptation. Remember, this needs to be 500 words at the most. It's not due until 4/11 (the Sunday after Spring Break) so you don't have to finish today.